Ruby Bridges Walk to School

Ruby Bridges- Walk to School

"We want everyone to to know you matter at this school no matter who you are, no matter what you look like, no matter how many friends you have, no matter what. You matter to Coyote Valley! That is our leadership team's goal, to make you feel that!" - Mrs. Jones

Today CVE's Leadership team sponsored the Ruby Bridges Walk to school in honor of the 62nd anniversary of the walk she made to her newly desegregated school in Louisiana on Nov. 14th, 1961. Back then, she walked without peers, friends, or classmates. Instead, she was surrounded by four federal marshals to keep her safe. Today, the CVE students, led by the leadership team, honored her courage and spread her message by walking to school as a group.

Ruby Bridges is still alive, and her message is simple: "Racism has no place in the hearts and minds of our children." she wants to stamp out racism and all forms of bullying. What a great message for our students to spread.

The CVE leadership team was joined by fellow students, staff members, board members, district employees, and family members all wearing purple in solidarity with her message. The group was given a speech by Mrs. Jones before the walk that made sure all understood the message and meaning behind the walk today.

Thank you so much to our leadership team for sponsoring this event and thank you to all who participated. It is through you that we make sure everyone feels seen, heard, and appreciated at Coyote Valley. CVE is so proud of our students and our community! We look forward to this becoming an annual tradition in our community.

For more information on the Ruby Bridges Foundation, or to learn more about her amazing story, please click here: