Rainy Days

Good morning CVE families,

We have been seeing an increase in tardies, especially during rainy days since less students ride the bus. Today, nearly 10% of our students were late to class. We see a daily increase in cars between 8:15 and 8:30 which can lead to longer wait times and tardies in the morning. I want to encourage you to plan to arrive before 8:15, so that students arrive to class on time. Students who are tardy do not receive their full education and can fall behind. Students who are 10 minutes tardy each  day will lose almost an hour of education per week. Students entering the class late also causes a disruption to the learning of others.

We have also noticed an increase in cars stopping in the drop off line outside of the kindergarten building without pulling all the way forward on the curb. This causes backups with traffic and slows down our drop off line. Please pull all the way forward during drop off to ensure the maximum amount of students can be dropped off at any given time. We always have a member of the staff out front who is able to assist any of our kinder and TK students to the kinder playground. If you do not feel comfortable dropping your student off on the curb and having them walk to class, please park in the parking lot and walk them to class.

Thank you all for your help with this, and ensuring our students get to class safely and on time. Have a great week!

Thank you,

Matt Coit